Friday, November 13, 2009

Rainbow of Emotions

Meu Pai mi ama

My mom is a comforting, listening ear.

My friends are wonderful.

My visiting teachers are fantastic.

My God loves me.

That being said, how can I not be confident about my future? I've run a rainbow of emotions the past several months, and than a bunch all at once the past week of my life. Let's just say I have felt giddy, happy, doubtful, flirty, mad, dreamy, pretty, excited, confident, scared, boldness, fear, on-top-of-the-world, faithful, hopeful, sad, and discouraged (and not in that order). Am I crazy? Perhaps. Am I normal? Definately not, I'm extraordinary (but hopefully not cocky)!!! I was kinda bummed today, life was just a bit hard. No need for details, but I was talking to my visiting teacher and she told me how impressed she was by all the emotions I have had a chance to live and experience because of life's curve balls. She said emotions help us learn to let down our walls so we can get to know people and let them in our lives. I've been thinking about this evening. It is actually giving me comfort. Emotions are a gift, and I'd like to embrace it.

So here's to emotions, good and bad, happy and sad. May the happier ones be more frequent, and the sad ones help us grow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was thoughtful indeed. You have one positive outlook.