Saturday, November 28, 2009

Plenty to keep me balanced!

Even when life looks upside down sometimes, at least you have two strong arms to balance on!

It may be redundant, but I feel like another gratitude blog tonight...

I am grateful for many things... I am grateful that I made a good turkey on my first attempt. I am grateful that my parents are back from their trips and I can stop talking to myself in the house all alone. I am grateful for warm socks with cooler weather. I am grateful for football games, to play and watch. I am grateful for conference talks. I am grateful for a long hose on the vacuum to suck up the inch of dust under my bed. I am grateful for naps on my bed and my memory foam pillow. I am grateful for Christmas music and movies that start the day after Thanksgiving. I am grateful for strong muscles that help me have more weight at BODY PUMP than 2 out of the 4 guys that were there! I am grateful for dinner with long lost friends and catching up. I’m grateful to be to be able to go to the temple this morning. I am grateful for inspiration to serve people, even if it seems a bit much sometimes. I’m grateful for lip gloss from Bath & Body Works. I am grateful for who I am becoming, who I am, and happy that I am comfortable just being me! I am grateful for Milk Duds even though they get stuck in my teeth. I am grateful for future opportunities that will come my way, because I know that God has been in control all along, why wouldn’t he continue to take care of me?

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