Thursday, February 24, 2011

Canadian Again Ehhhhhh!

It was silly, it was cheesy, it was all fun, it was a surprise!

My dad recently received proof of his Canadian Citizenship. He is Canadian again! So, we threw him a party.

Hockey...very Canadian ehh?

Good food and great guests. On the silly side we had pizza with Canadian bacon. But we also had split pea soup and some very authentic desserts.

How do you find a flag with a week's notice? Well, you make one. I must say, my maple leaf looks fantastic!

This is my Great-Grandma Olive Vaile's recipe. Don't get all red and embarrassed is called "Sex in a Pan". It is delicious!

Aero candy bars with toothpicks, and naniamo bars- a dessert originating from B.C.

Sorry if the Canadian relatives are offended, but we had ourselves a great time!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Perfect Moment

Can you have a perfect moment? Yes, yes you can. If not for perfect moments that build upon each other, we could not learn the attribute of hope...hope that one day obtaining perfection and realizing that all that God has promised us and wants for us (immortality and eternal life) will be ours one day.

I had a one of those perfect moments this past weekend. It was a moment where I was my smiling self, enjoying some of life's simple joys. I say "moment" but it did last several hours and centered around a silly Institute dance- the Pink Dance, with my handsome friend as my date. It included good company, dancing like crazy, being spun, and spun, and spun, and then dipped. It involved a chance to serve, ice cream with a group of friends and a gentleman who paid. It involved singing, laughing, compliments, and hugs.

Some moments you get so you know life is full of joy and just as it should be.

I love perfect moments.