Saturday, December 31, 2011

How to finish off 2011

My real live tree! a pretty dress from her khala!

Watching A Muppet Christmas Carol by an open fire the eve before Christmas Eve.

Annual Kelm Kandy Houses. Gummy Army men this year,
instead of gummy dinosaurs.

And the even more traditional...the destroying of the candy houses!!!
This year, throwing them off the roof in style with our visiting Arizona Kelms. The grandparents scored each throw.

Jacob's Toss...

Jayden's Toss

Jessica's Toss.

Jocelyn's Toss.

Tamara's toss.

Jocelyn Darling herself with the Gorgeous Tamara. Twins...can you tell?

Kelm Band, featuring the Arizona and Texas Kelms.

We sang the "Happy Song", "Sad Song", "Excited Song", and "Loud & Quiet Song"

Then we played our instruments to Christmas songs.

Grandpa and Grandma Kelm eventually decided if you can't beat them, join them!

And after a long day of adventure, Jayden was all worn out and declared-
"I'm done!", and sat down.

I agree with Jayden, 2011 has been a long year....

Can't wait to see what adventures 2012 holds! Here we come...

1 comment:

tiffromney said...

How cool of a tradition is that? Making and then destroying candy houses?! Seriously AWESOME! And they make gummy army men? Why don't I know these things?