Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Letter 2011

I decided rather than a Christmas letter, I'd do a Christmas Blog.

I have much to be grateful for and proud of this year.

I did not get what I wanted for Christmas, but that is not anybody's fault. Hearts desires are not to be granted upon demand. And I had an experience this month I anticipated that would break my heart, but it just left it tender. What I have learned this year is that my life is too full and rich to sit and boo-hoo about what I do not have! Here are my top 10 Riches of 2011!

Richness #1
I got my very own apartment! See the table I bought and put together all by myself?

Richness #2
Made a new record in running a 5K- 26:30.
Could not have done it that fast without my friend by my side.

Richness #3
Built up my "mommy resume". Went to Six Flags and Sea World with Amanda. We rode roller coasters so that one day we will be super cool moms.

Richness #4
Added 4 new temple to my list of temples attended. Travelled to see old college roommates, dear friends, precious family, and create new memories in new places.

Temple Square in Salt Lake City on Easter Sunday

Hutchison Family after an Easter Egg Hunt.

Mesa Temple

Cousin Jessica and her cute kiddo DJ

More cousins, Jessica and Jocelyn, and my aunt JoAnn

D.C Temple

Aunt T and Linnea, she helped me bake cookies.

On to Nashville where I sang at the Grand Ole Opry with famous Shaleen Weston.

Mission Beach, San Diego with Michelle Clements.

San Diego beautiful as I imagined it would be!

Richness #5
Dared to continue to love with courage and bravery!

Richness #6
The Kelm family was back together again in June, 2011 when Michael returned from Australia.

Richness #7
Learned to make new food, including Korean BBQ and virgin pina coladas!

Melissa (center) thinks she is Asian. So for her birthday I made several Korean dishes.

Richness #8
Went shooting! LOVED it!

Richness #9
Completed my first year as a PTA, in a profession I really love!

Richness #10
Next week will be the wedding of my youngest brother to his sweet heart Emily Jane. I'm going to have a sister for the first time ever!

Merry Christmas all! And a most Happy New Year!


Kathryn said...

Merry Christmas Tamara' I love you my friend!!!!

Desiree said...

What a great year indeed!!!