Thursday, June 27, 2013

Batman and a Birthday Card

 Over the course of my almost three years as a Physical Therapist Assistant I have seen a few pediatric orthopedic cases. There are two kiddos that stand out in my mind. One was in love with Star Wars, somewhere between 8-10 years old. We staged light saber battles in the pool.  Once he barked out instructions on how join the Sith Lord and go kill innocent children. That was after he went to Disneyland and joined Darth Vader in the dark side of the force.  My favorite moment was when he put his face in the water far with his hands up by his shoulder, and posed like Han Solo frozen in carbonite. Cracked me up! 

Well I now have another patient, whom I will refer to as Batman (he claims he great-great-great grandfather was Batman), and he is quickly rising to my all-time favorite patient. He is 12 years old, loves the Falcons, video games, and scary movies. He also loves sugar. For a 12 year old, he has excellent conversation skills with adults, and a cute speech impedament. He asked me once if I am married. When I told him I haven't found the love of my life, he told me I could move in to his house and live in the attic, and I would get $10 a month in allowance. He also suggested I check out to find the love of my life. Treatment session involve a lot of stretching, him asking me a million questions, and fake outbursts of pain-"Ow, ow, ow ow" yelled with a smile on his face. His birthday was a few months ago and he asked why I didn't wish him a happy birthday. I told him I didn't even know he existed. I told him my birthday is in September and asked what was he going to do for me?  He said he would make me an early Birthday Card if I brought him Sour Patch Kids candy. We shook on it, sounded like a good deal to me. 

Here is why my day today was so delightful... 

"Tamp tamp (why there is a "p" I don't know, he calls me Tam-Tam). Aw-Aw-Aw-Aw"

 U are a good PT. Hap-aw-y Birth-aw-day. Happy Birthday to-aw-aw-u-aw Tam-aw-p Tam-aw-p

The picture is him saying "aw aw aw aw", and me saying "I hear you"

 Even though u abuse me ure still a good PT. Happy Birthday and best wishes that u find the love of your life. Happ-aw aw-Brithday

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