Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This morning started with a 2.5 hour workout...over 1000 calories burned. A little extreme? Yes, but worth every high knee and every squat. (Thanks to Bryant, Kristin, and Jamie.) Wore my "Stronger than the boys" shirt, made me work harder!

I made mashed potatoes for the first time (which I why dad said I have not caught a man yet).

Ate the most moist turkey ever...

...Went to a Chick flick with my parents and loved being totally shocked with my mom for a good 10 minutes. My dad is awesome for taking the two of us to Twilight. 

Enjoyed mom's homemade Apple Pie...

...Watching football...

Going to eat cheesecake during the second half...

...And doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of things I am grateful for today! 

Life is good!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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