Sunday, September 16, 2012

I'm Single and Freaking Amazing

My cousin in Canada posted this on my facebook wall. 

How do I feel about it?

1.) Amen! So true! How did she know? 

2.) Being single and in my early 30's has allowed me to continue developing who Tamara Christine Kelm is on a very individual level. My life experience resume keeps growing and growing. I've laid a foundation for what hopefully is the next 2/3 of my life, and it is going to rock! I am very, very fortunate!

3.) This is no way means I intend on staying single. I fully expect Mr. "Freaking Amazing" to show up one day. He WILL show up, and he WILL recognize that my amazingness and his amazingness  need to combine forces! And what an awesome match up that will be.

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