Monday, May 24, 2010

A Perfect Day!

Every once and awhile a perfect day comes along. Today was one of them. I had a fabulous workout in the morning- Body Pump and RPM ("Raw Power in Motion", a Les Mills version of Spin). The air conditioning was broke, so the workout was sweaty and intense!

Then I went to see Tere del Castillo, my massage therapist, for a fabulous massage. I haven't pampered myself with a massage for a long, long time. It was heaven. I don't know what I enjoy more, the hot washcloth on the feet, the cotton with lavender over the eyes, the eucalyptus and spearmint lotion on the neck and shoulders, or how sweet and intuative Tere is. I went to "Massage Envy" once when she was out of the country and it just wasn't the same. I told Tere I'd never cheat on her again! How come a massage feels so good? I love how utterly relaxed I feel when I walk out the door.

Following the massage I hit the pool. I have been enjoying reading leisurely the past week. No textbooks, no homework, just reading for fun. I think I was born to lounge at the pool. I alternated reading with floating in the cool water. Although this weekend I jumped off a rope swing, landing 20 feet below in the river, lounging in the water is more my style.

After next Monday, life is going to be BUSY for the next 3 months. I'm so very lucky- I have been blessed and am very grateful for days like today.

Here's to good days to help you survive when the occasional gloomy ones pop up.


Rebecca J said...

I'm jealous of that massage. Sounds delightful! And good to know about Massage Envy...

Elizabeth said...

No air conditioner! You are so hard core.