Saturday, May 1, 2010


Meet Jeffery...

I've been calling any squirrel in our backyard "Jeffery" for the past couple years. Sometimes I throw out peanuts on the porch for Jeffery. I did however see a Blue Jay fly away with peanuts last week, so perhaps they share.

Dad got a bird feeder as part of his backyard re-invention. It is suppose to be squirrel-proof. The weight of a squirrel is suppose to bring the feeder down enough that it closes off the windows to the bird seed. However, Jeffery is too smart. Dad has tried moving the feeder away from the fence but still, Jeffery leaps from the branches above and somehow manages to outsmart the mechanics of the feeders. I caught him on two seperate occasions today. Jeffery is a smart one!

1 comment:

RedWhiting's said...

Yeah, you buddy. Cracked me up :)