Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jar of Happy Thoughts

I started a jar out of the excitement and happiness I felt going into 2010. With just a few minor bumps, I still feel like I am on the right road of learning how to be patient, following God's master plan, and finding joy in the small things. Every day so far this year I have written one happy thought, hope, or experience during the day that showed me the hand of God in my life. I think I am going to have to get a bigger jar, now way 11 more months of this is going to fit.

Here are just a few examples...

***Last Sunday a woman spoke in church and mentioned singing the song "A Child's Prayer" to herself when she needs comfort or hope. I could tell she was a bit nervous speaking. The musical number after her was by another woman playing the flute.
Guess what she played? "A Child's Prayer"! What a beautiful tender mercy of the Lord!


***A handsome man called me back today. Yes, called me back, so the idea wasn't all his own, but none-the-less, it totally made my day. I like days like this!

Jar of Happy Thoughts, it will help you see just how much there is to be happy about.

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