Tuesday, December 15, 2009





Three simple words. I have expressed them to family members and good friends all my life. Sometimes it gets so routine that I forget the impact of these simple words. I usually yell out- "Te Amo!" to my parents as I leave the house.

I have learned this past 2 months that hearing "I Love You" can soothe the soul. There are many types of "love", of which I have limited personal experience. What I do know is that when it is heartfelt and sincere, not matter the kind of love it is, these are the three greatest words to hear.

I've been trying to say it more and mean it. Why is it so hard? I am not sure.

Thank you to my friend who has been saying "I love you", even in a non-romantic way. It has made me love him back for the person he is and wants to be. This friend will probably never read this, and maybe saying "I love you" is just a habit of speech for him, but I think it is of more substance that. So to you my friend I say-






Me said...

"There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time." Mansfield Park (the movie, not the book). :)

Kathryn said...

well guess what....I LOVE YOU!!! You are a great friend and i really couldnt ask for anything more!

well maybe if you were baptist! :D (haha JK i love you the way you are!)

Unknown said...

Oi querida, só para dizer "eu te amo" mais uma vez.
I also really like the chinese version, 我 爱 你 (wǒ aì nǐ).