Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010- BRING IT! (and don't you dare laugh at me, maybe with me though!)

At last I deemed the year 2009 a success. Success can build upon success right? Here is the first sunrise of 2010.

Each end of December I sit down to make my goals for the upcoming new year, and every time I inevitably make a goal that somehow involves "catching a man", or at least a boyfriend. It is as if I am looking for just the right combination of words, and hopes, and work that will make it happen. I wonder- this will be the year, right? On December 31 at 11:59pm I have a twinge of sadness that "my man" is not there yet to kiss me and wonder if he will be by my side the next New Year's Eve. (Romeo, Romeo, where the heck art thou Romeo?) Then on I go to adding at least one goal to make the dream possible. Well guess what? Not this year. Okay, so I'll probably still be wondering why these kissable lips are going unkissed at the stroke of midnight, but I will not be making a goal centered around how many dates to go on this year or how "win the prize". I am going to center the new years resolutions around becoming more faithful, enthusiastic, dedicated, responsible, and other words...becoming a better version of me.

So why the ridiculously silly video clip below? Let me explain, no there is no time, let me sum up...(bonus points if you know the quote)

A good friend of mine shared the song "Haven't Met You Yet", by Michael Buble. I heard the words and though- Michael, are you in my head? The song starts out about how many times love has broken his heart and let him down. But then it turns into how love hasn't happened YET because he hasn't' met her. Not because of something he is doing wrong. And when he does meet her, it is going to be amazing and well worth the wait. The line I like the most- "I'll give so much more than I get", is just how I think should be on both ends.

I danced around in the kitchen to this song because it has been rolling through my head all week. It is me saying- okay 2010, I'm not going to worry about love. I'm going to be excited for when it happens, but there is much to enjoy now, especially with all the experiences this exciting year holds for me. One might say I am a hopeless romantic. Romantic and optimistic,YES. Hopeless, NO, I'm full of a whole heck of a lot of hope! I'm off Monday to start my first full week in January, in Mexico, on a cruise ship with 4 amazing women!

2010- BRING IT!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

This makes me happy!! You are a beautiful amazing and inspiring woman!