Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dad's Christmas Dream

Dad's dream has always been to get a Christmas tree with the long needles. Every year when we go to the Elgin Tree farm, he looses. This year mom said, and I agreed, that he should get to choose this year. Here is what we found...

No, definately not this one!

Ding, ding, ding- we have a winner!

Look how happy he is!

Literally took about 20 seconds to cut it down.

Holds his new long needle pine and his woman!

The final product. Dad's dream!

My dream is to one day have my own house and a husband to put tons of light up. Mom and I put the lights up this year. I promise they don't looks to puny in real life.

Mom's dream is to have Christmas dear. I got her one last year, now she has two!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Good one on Dad's Christmas Dream. It really helps!!
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