Friday, December 5, 2008


I have always enjoyed going on dates with fun guys. They are few and far in-between. However, recently I discovered the joy of eating yummy dates- as in the fruit that tastes like candy. For years my mom and dad have bought dates and raved over them. I somehow decided without tasting that I didn't like them. Well, I repented of my ways 2 months ago. I went to the Ramadan dinner at the Muslim center. When closing the fast, they eat dates. I broke down and ate one, than another, and probably a couple more. Oh my goodness, what was I thinking? Not to like dates? Crazy talk!

Mom has had a container of dates by her bed the past 2 weeks. I have asked before eating them. Today however, I see a new container of dates sitting on the kitchen counter- in a "public" place now. Are they fair game? I assumed so and I have eaten 2 while listing to OPIc tests. I think I need to leave the kitchen now and work elsewhere.

What a nice indulgence during this crazy week of exams and tests to rate! Thanks mom!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I love the title! It got me thinking you were going to write an expose on the single life and dating. I was happily pleased to find the goodness of fruit being experienced! :)