Monday, November 3, 2008

In the meantime? No! I'm not waiting, I am becoming!

This semester has been one of the busiest times in my life. I am amazed to think I can keep going at the speed life is racing. I work 3-4 hours a day, go to school, teach Body Flow at Golds Gym, have been learning new stuff to teach, sub other classes, meet friends for lunches or dinners, attend institute, and try to serve my family, friends, at church, and those around me.

Here is an example of one of my days last week...Thursday: 7am-9:30am- Work, 10:00-11:30- New Testament Class, 11:45-12:30 Walk around Lady Bird Lake, 12:30-1:00 buy new walking shoes, 1:00-2:45 Anatomy Lab, 3:00-4:00 Donate Blood, and 4:45-7:00 High School Musical 3 movie with Angel. Run, run, run, run, run...

I started to worry this past weekend that maybe my lack of motivation in the dating department is because I am too busy doing other things. Did I subconsciously decide that I want to put a career in front of family? I put a lot of serious thought in to this all day Sunday, then Sunday night while talking to a good friend, I realized that is just not true. It is not my job to chase men. However it is also not my job to simply wait around or tread water while hoping that my next phase of life will come. I don't have time to wait! I have thought I was ready to get married since I was headed off to BYU at 18! I am slowly realizing that although I am sure I have the maturity and abilities to be in a successful marriage, I am being blessed with opportunities that are preparing me for whatever lies ahead in my life. Even living in a house with other people, being single and 28 can be lonely, but I am surrounded with friends who are full of faith, hope, vision, and happiness, so I just have no room for the other stuff that happens to weigh me down.

My friend shared with me an awesome quote from the October Ensign.

"In looking forward to marriage, do not assume a wait-and-see posture. This is not just a period for making time or treading water. Seek to become a happy, productive person in your own right. If you have been unsuccessful in love or hurt or betrayed or ignored, break away from complaining and self-pity. Fill your life with all the things that will improve the head, the heart, and the hand."

Some other counsel in this article is to be happy, develop friendships, create order in your life, serve, maintain moral purity, and attend the temple. And I would add, allow all this to help you be more Christ-like.

So I step forward into this week with new encouragement. My life right now is not something to do in the meantime. I am not "waiting", I am preparing and "becoming".

"Come what may and LOVE it", and "Bloom Where You Are Planted"!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really liked that article too. I was surprised and happy to be counciled to be more productive among many other things instead of telling us the usual, "read your scriptures, pray everyday, and serve others," which we already know and do. Sometimes we need more than that and it was a relief to me to see something different, but also something simple. None of those things he mentioned were difficult, maybe more time consuming, but nothing we can't do. What's really great about all of it is that they aren't things that would make you think so much about marriage, therefore, you won't become depressed of the fact that you're not married (I'm talking about me and all single people in general, I don't mean to use "you" as directed towards you Tamara).