Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Siblings Are Awesome

We are pretty awesome. 

All of us very self-aware, confident, and talented

I mean just look at Devin's cheesy smile. How cute is that?!!??!!! Devin can bake pies, make jam, and he keeps the cleanest apartment for a man I've ever seen. He is quite the catch!

 Then there is Michael. I am pretty sure he looks in the mirror ever day and says- "Yes, you are one good-looking man!" I think perhaps my favorite thing about him is that he always has musical soundtrack to his life running through his head. Sometimes he gives us a peek, and you get to hear it. Like when he was burping his son this summer...not your normal was more like- pat-doot-doot-pat-ta-da-pat-pat

Then we added another member to the family. 

Emily fits right in!