Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Why I love Utah!

BYU Fan are Serious! 


Running outdoors with spectacular views

Church activity notices posted in front yards...only in Utah! 

Cool Floating temples ... Provo Tabernacle being renovated after burning and now being turned into a temple. My grandpa said a lot of people were upset that this historic building part of the community would be turned into a place that not everyone could go to. My thoughts were that in Utah there are rare instances of opposition to the building of a Provo gets to feel like all the other temple districts do. The construction site is amazing!

Utah is also cool because it has my grandparents. 

Grandpa loved the bubbles at Bethany's wedding. 

Walking barefoot in the grass

 Homemade burgers with home grown corn on the cob!

Walking to church

 Sunday dinner with cousins

1 comment:

Tonia Talks said...

Sure do love you observations and insights. You are a real sweetheart