Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wolf the Great

Wolf the Great

No, not that kind of wolf...this kind of Wolf....

Wolfgang Helmut Lothar Kelm

He turns 80 years old today!

alles Gute zum Geburtstag

A dashing man, Wolfgang moved (escaped rather)
to Canada from Berlin in the 1950's.

...where he met his sweetheart Aline Mae Vaile.
They will celebrate their 55th anniversary this month.

Here he is with his mother Anita in 1979 at my parent's wedding.

Wolf supported his family as a photographer.
He loves Operas, Hogans Heroes, John Wayne, gardening, traveling,
working and serving in the St. George temple,
and has Nauvoo-itis.

Although he received no formal college education, Wolf is educated about many things and continues to teach himself doctrines of the Gospel
as well as many worldly matters.

Wolf loves chocolate, chocolate syrup on chocolate ice cream, and chocolate powder on chocolate cereal, and more chocolate.
Oh, and potatoes, can't forget his love for a
HUGE pile of mashed potatoes.

I sure do love this man...my Opa- Wolfgang Kelm.

Happy 80th Birthday Grandpa!

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