Monday, March 12, 2012

Never Suppress a Generous Thought

A former patient of mine still comes to use the pool independently. It has been well over a year since I treated her. We say hello each week and she always asks for updates on my life. She is older than my mother, but I consider her a friend. A few weeks ago she saw I was looking not quite myself in the pool and knew I was having a rough day. Nobody else had noticed all day. I heard her mention just before spring arrived that she liked bluebonnets. I decided this weekend to paint her a present.
I painted this...

So here is the cool part. I wrapped it up all cute today and gave it to her. She told me she has had a lot of company in the house and it exhausted from feeding several grandsons, a visiting brother-in-law, and her husband and was dreading going home. She said the painting made her day and she knew exactly where it was going to go. I didn't know the timing would be perfect...but God did.

As Sister Camilla Kimball said- "Never suppress a generous thought!"


Nadia said...

we were just saying, God works in mysterious ways!

tiffromney said...

That is awesome. Great job on the painting, too. She will treasure that for years to come, I bet.