Sunday, October 2, 2011

Welcome to Mesa

Where did Tamara go now?

Mesa, Arizona! Since I love the temple, my Aunt JoAnn and I were able to attend a session there. It was the 7th Temple Built in the Latter-Days!

I also got to see my cousin Jessica Kubie and her adorable kiddos DJ. He make look cute, but he chucked that lemon wedge and hit me right on the forehead!

And then we went to the park. I taught Jessica and old elementary school trick with the swings. She caught on real quick!

So glad I am blessed to be able to travel and see family. Jessica is part of the FAB 4 with me. (The first 4 super cool grandkids on the Hutchison side. Myself, Beth, Tyler, and Jessica. Then so many cool cousins kept coming, we had to expand the club...When there are over 20 grandkids and almost a dozen great-grandkids, the what do you call the club?)

Here are Jacob and Jayden, my 4 (almost 5) year old cousins. They couldn't say Tamara very well. It came out Tanner. So I told them to call me "T". That worked well. They were super excited to put up all the Halloween decorations.

Then there is my 10 year old cousin Jocelyn. She is adorable and gosh darn it, she knows it! She is a girlie girl after my own heart. We enjoyed our photo shoot.

Then we got her super cute sister Jessica involved.

And then we pulled in there fabulous mom. Look, we all wore pink!

Boys don't wear pink though.

And finally, this is what the twins taught me...

Standing on your sister helps her do her homework better.

And standing on your dad is just plain fun!

I hope to have adorable kiddos myself one day!

Thanks Arizona, I had a great time!

1 comment:

Az Kelms said...

We loved having you visit. We want you to come back again soon! Isn't it funny that we all wore pink that day? Too funny. Love you!