Sunday, January 2, 2011

Plan A

A friend asked me what I was planning on for New Year's Eve. She said she hoped I'd found someone cute to smooch at midnight. Well, that was plan A. However, Plan A has been postponed yet one more year. I replied to her email feeling kinda down, like Plan B was a lesser options. Shame on me! Here is what Plan B entailed...

I celebrated New Year's just how I wanted...The first decision I made was to NOT attend the New Year's Eve Dance. I can't remember the last time I did not attend it. I didn't miss it one bit! I celebrated by hanging out with my family, the Konkles, and the Princes, eating waffles, milk duds, chips and salsa and playing doubles ping-pong with my brother, a trivia game by the funny Dallan Prince, and socializing til 11 pm when some of the adults wanted to go to bed. Then I went to Desiree's apt and toasted in the new year with her and a glass of Martinelli's sparking cider. I was in bed just after 1:11 on 1/11/11. I got up at 6:30 am to go meet a nice big group of about 20 of us at Mt Bonnell to see the 1st sunrise of the year followed by Kerby Lane for breakfast where Abraham Martinez ended up paying for our table (4 girls). Then, I made black eyed peas and collard green soup for good luck and prosperity. Chanda Vaniman used to make it for us but since she moved to TN, I had to take matters into my own hands. In the afternoon Dad, Mom, Devin, and I headed to the Blanton Museum to see the Monet exhibit. We like to pretend we are cultured, although Devin says that is just a fancy word for something that is boring.

Although I hope soon I have a magical New Year's Eve with a kiss that sends sparks flying at the stroke of midnight, do I really have room for complaining?

I loved watching the first sunrise. (Patience Part II Blog Entry) There is something monumental about it. Just another morning perhaps, but I learned a great lesson last year that stuck with me. I stood there in anticipation doubting it was really going to happen, like I missed it somehow. It just seemed too bright outside for the sun not to have come out already. Then there it was, perfectly peaking up over the horizon. This year there was no doubt, I knew it was coming and I would know I had not missed it. This year I could rely on the faith and hope. Much like my life....

Last year I started with the desire to be more patient, dare to dream, dare to love, dare to be fearless. I still have HUGE desires of my heart I am longing for. There are things that did come to pass in 2010-a fabulous cruise with friends, academic achievement, graduation, became a licensed therapist, got a great job, won an award, turned 30 and survived, got my heart broken and survived, and tried my darndest to strengthen relationships in many areas of my life. I was patient, I was fearless, I did love, and I dreamed. The sunrise was beautiful. I accomplished much good and there is still so much I can do. Because of what I know happened last year, I can continue in the faith and hope of a great new year.

To quote Connie Summers. "If you are living righteously and striving daily to follow God's will for you, you are still on plan A." So maybe was I wanted in my head for New Year's was really plan B, instead I lived plan A...and what a wonderful plan that and the rest of this year can be!

Step one, moving into my very own apartment January 7th. Yep, that seems like an excellent place to start.


Kathryn said...

Sounds lIke you had a fabulous New Years Eve! :D I bought some Martinellis this year....YUMMY! Thanks for introducing me to it! I love you very much young lady! Blessed to have you as a friend...Miss you lots and hope to see you (and your new apartment) soon!!! :D

Elizabeth said...

I love that quote from Connie and think about it a lot. A good post, thanks for sharing!

Shelly said...

I love the wisdom of my friends!