Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Enlighted by Others

I was driving down the road today in deep thought. No, not about the UT game this weekend against OU (although we had better play better than last weekend! Hook'em Horns!).

I started reflecting on the Fast & Testimony meeting we had at church on Sunday. It started by thinking about little mistakes I make and wish I could take back. Thankfully I remembered the testimony shared by the handsome E.Q President about how we have the Atonement to make up for those mistakes that inevitably we keeping making. So true!

Then a bit later I got thinking about my upcoming clinicals at an out patient orthopedic clinic in Round Rock. I've been saying how excited I am, and I really am, but I am starting to get this creeping feeling of inadequacy and fear. Again, thankfully I remembered another testimony given by the delightful Julie Tackett. She said she doesn't really believe in herself, but luckily she does believe in Jesus Christ, and that is ultimately what matters the most. There is no place for fear in my life!

Testimony meetings really do have power!

Finally, I had another enlighted moment when talking with another good friend, the inspirational Michelle Clements. We have been having some great discussions about patience over the past several weeks. She reminded of its importance. She is also an example to me of making goals and accomplishing what she sets out to do. Reminds me of D&C 123:17

"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."

Thanks to these friends who help me have enlightened moments, and to the countless more who give me reasons to smile every day!


Unknown said...

Tamara you are so sweet but I just clarify one thing. to I do believe in myself but not enough to pretend that I can do it all on my own. ;) I hope you did well on your exam!

tck4texas said...

that is right...Julie does not lack self-esteem!