Saturday, March 7, 2009

BUSY? Maybe just a little...makes my head spin!

Busy, busy, busy...if you have asked me how I am doing the past year of my life, my answer was probably...BUSY! I wonder if people think I am making up an excuse sometimes. I was thinking about my schedule this week and wondering just how I keep it up sometimes.

Take the past few days for example. Wednesday I got up at 5:00am to go to Body Pump (weight class at Gold's Gym) at 5:30. I had to have Nadia text me encouragement to go, or else I would have stayed in bed. 6:45-10:00am Rates Oral Proficiency Exams. (Got to love the Koreans! You like Kimchi? You know Jeju island?) 10:30-11:30 New Testament Institute Class. 12:25-4:45 Data Collections and Therapeutic Exercise Labs. Oh my brain hurts by the end of this. Next stop- sub a Body Flow class from 5:45-6:45pm. Luckily I did get invited by my parents to go out for Thai food with them. Afterwards, more homework and tests to rate till about 11:00pm.

Friday I worked at Odyssey from 8:00-12:00. Then I ran to the bank and then off to campus to study. I was on campus till almost 4:00pm. I took the evening off from school. However, I made cookies for snacks for an open lab today.Then at 8:00pm I decided to go for a run at the gym. After my run I stayed up late watching shows on till 1:00am. Okay, so Friday doesn't sound so bad...

Saturday- hold on to your seats folks...I got up at 8:30am after my late night. I ran over to the church where dad was at the pre-crop walk breakfast for the Walnut Creek Ward. It was my only chance to see him before he flew off to Chile. From there I went to the park to walk the CROP walk at 10:00am. That was quite delightful, I invited Leslie from my class to join me, we had a nice chat and walk together. From there I went to campus for the open lab- 12:00-3:00. We practice PTA/patient scenarios in preparation for the midterm practical next week. It was good, I talked people into bringing snacks to share and we had a ton of food. I actually stayed till 4:00pm talking to other students and my dedicated instructor Karen. It was a very helpful day. I headed home exhausted. I crashed on my bed for an hour and half, then on to part II of the day. I went to a wedding reception followed by picking up a friend to go play volleyball. We played at the sand courts at Aussies- a restaurant without door courts. It was a lot of fun. (I admit I quite enjoyed the handsome 22ish year olds to admire in the sand.) I made it home at 10:45pm only to discover that is it daylight saving tonight and I am loosing an hour of sleep. Not so fun, I am going to stay up for a few more hours rating tests.

Did you get tired reading this? Man, I am exhausted just thinking about it. I'm not trying to complain, I realize I am incredibly blessed with energy to keep on going. Got to live life to the fullest right? The good news is, tomorrow is Sunday, the day I take off from the gym and school, and get to rejuvenate Spiritually in preparation for another week. The bad news is, starting Monday I begin a week of fitting in work around studying for midterms and tests. It is going to be a whirlwind of a week. But there is a more good news, SPRING BREAK begins Thursday at 3:00pm. Can I get a hallelujah? Oh yeah!


Shelly said...

Hallelujah, OH YEAH!!!

Az Kelms said...

I have to go and take a nap now that I have read the update. I am sooooo exhausted after reading all the stuff that you have been doing! Good thing that you are young! I am excited for spring break for my kids as well. That also means NO piano students will be coming next week!