Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Aunt Tamara's Spotlight: January 2016

This year I decided to spotlight my nieces and nephews each month.  They may not all be family by blood, but they are in my heart and I love them to pieces.

This month's spotlight is Raza.   I am known to him as Tamara khala. Khala is a title in Urdu for your mother's sister.

I remember when he was born. I was still in Utah finishing my last semester at BYU. I remember sitting in my grandpa's office working and getting emails and phone calls with updates from his other aunt, Dia khala. Luckily his family hadn't gone back to Madagascar yet when I returned to Texas late April and I got to meet the cute little guy.   He lived in Madagascar less then a year before political upheaval forced American's out for awhile.

Since he started talking I was blessed with a tiny voice trying to get my attention with a "Tamara khala?" Which I followed up with "gee beta" or as my best guess translation is "yes little boy". Once while babysitting he taught me the urdu words "deku" for look, and "khulaa" for open.

Raza is growing up to be a fine young man. Ever polite, and very loving towards his parents (especially his dedicated mother) and little sister. He is a joy to be around. He will even go watch chick flicks with his two khala's without complaining.

Love you Raza!

1 comment:

Panjwani said...

Omg.. you are making me cry..
Love it.. u r the best!! Love you from Raza and you sister Tashi..