Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How to Bloom Where You Are Planted? Treat Yourself

How does one Bloom Where They Are Planted you ask? Well it's quite simple, you find joy in the simple things and in the words of Manny P, you treat yourself! 

I had a fantastic day today, I celebrated me. I know, that's a bit cocky and not at all humble. I'm cool with that. 

First thing this morning I went to Ken's Taco's for my favorite bacon, egg, potato breakfast taco which I ate while opening a gift a friend sent me over 2 months ago. It was a gorgeous charm. I think it should be my new theme! "Let Go! Let God." I was very touched with a message that speaks to my soul.

Next stop in treating yourself, move all your patient's to the end of the day and go to your favorite class a the gym and punch like a BEAST with a fantastic instructor who even played a birthday song for when I walked in. 

 Then I went to another class! Pound, where you literally pound with these rip sticks for 45 minutes doing squats, lunges, and all kinds of stuff.  It's loud and a blast!

Thank goodness I did a double workout, because shortly after I arrived home I got a call from Tiff Treats to see when they could deliver my cookies. Hot cookies and ice cream delivered to my door? Yes please! It was fabulous! 

But the treats don't stop! In addition to today being my birthday, it was also National Ice Cream Cone day and Sonic had 1/2 off waffle cones all day. How could I resist? Yes please!

And if the universe wasn't already in my favor, look what gas cost a gallon? 

 And a treat yo'self birthday wouldn't be complete without my parents and Costco Cheesecake. 

See's Candy anyone? Build your own box of chocolates is an awesome gift!

Used sample bottle of paint? Is that all that was in there? Just kidding. A symbolic gift to represent paint for my future house! Awesome! 

Birth minute, captured!

When it's all said and done, besides stuffing my face all day, the real awesomeness of all the love I felt from friends and family all over the country. It's easy to Bloom Where You Are Planted when you have lots of love!

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