Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Adventures part 1

Summer time!  I've had a few adventures at home so far.   I took a few patients who live out past Hutto. Hutto, the city that loves Hippos. 
See, they have them on lawns, outside of businesses, everywhere! 

Hutto has a charming cafe called the Texan. Most importantly, they have amazing pie.  I stopped there on my way home from seeing my patient. Next time I'll stay and enjoy the pie NOT in my car.

Here is the view of the country road out to my patient's house. The speed limit was 70 MPH. I'm THAT driver...the one too chicken to drive that fast on a small country road. Nice peaceful ride though with lots of thinking time.

and in West Round Rock on the other side of the world I had this view by a patient's home. Hard to see but 3 of those are babies with white spots still. I am sure it drives the residents crazy, but there is something enjoyable about seeing deer hanging out on a lawn. 

 Other adventures included Sushi at Roll On. This one had brisket. Such a brilliant idea! 

Quinceanera Anybody? Yes please!  I present the beautiful Angel Forster.

 and her equally adorable sister Faith

Two of some of  my favorite people. 

Partied the night away with virgin pina coladas

This July 4th, after spending the past few years on this Holiday as the only Kelm in Texas, I decided to be an all American girl. Mom and dad were actually in the country! Dad treated us to a Round Rock Express game  with fireworks to follow.  It was a great day! 

 Next adventure around the corner... the Narrow at Zion's National Park...

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