Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'll Just Admit it, I'm Blessed to be Single

Before you think that I think I'm perfect and I achieve awesomeness at every moment of every day, let me tell you a story.

Saturday the two ladies who were suppose to join me at the TEXAS football game had unescapable things come up and I was left to ride with my parents and leave them at good 'ole section 29, row 45, and head to my seats at section 108 , row 48, 11 levels up on the ramp and high in the tippy-top of the second level, on the other side of the stadium.  Dad said, come sit by us. UT is tough on only letting you in to the section you have your seats, so I didn't want to push the envelope and get kicked out. I put on a confident little-Miss-Independent face, and walked to my seat. I said as I walked away, "I'm used to doing things alone".  I figured I'd try to join them in the 2nd half. As I walked to the other side of the universe, I got more and more aware of my lonely state. Nobody else was sitting all alone. Nobody else had to walk up the ramp all by herself. Everybody else had someone to cheer with. Then, at my gate they wouldn't let me take in my empty water bottle. "New protocol" they said.  The tears started to fall on the 3rd level of the ramp, but I kept on going. I found my seat just in time to see the band come out. Then the GIANT flag.   But there I was, crying at a football game. Then my dad called me, he said come over we have empty seats behind us and I'll bring mom's ticket with me, meet me at section 29. No hesitation, I jumped up, sprinted down the stairs and ran down all 11 levels of the ramp, holding on to my belt loops as my pants were falling. It was rather pathetic. Thankfully my dad was wiser then my false stubborn confidence and I ended up enjoying an exciting game with an entertaining Alumni Band halftime show, old twirler man and all, and a stand on your feet screaming kind of end to the football game.

We all have those moments. Moments where we feel defeated, and then blow that defeat out of proportion. 

Let that preface my next comment. After my trip to Utah last week I came to surprising conclusion and self admitting realization that being single is a blessing. Wait what? No, I ache for more. I pray constantly that I'll find the love of my life and have my own cute kiddos. This state I am in, although full and happy, can't possibly be considered a blessing, it's what I have to settle for now right? But no, I am ready to admit to myself that it is indeed a blessing. Yesterday a good friend of mine told me that in all the years she has known me (probably 6 or 7), I am the happiest now then she has ever seen me.   Being single and early 30's is a blessing, a blessing of time.

I'm flying high! And here are a few reasons why...

I'm sitting on a Ducati Diavel, a fancy shmancy, super fast and very expensive Italian Motorcycle belonging to one of my patients. I have a job that I love!

 I can take quick long weekends to see adorable kiddos and take morning selfies, and pick  fresh raspberries out of the garden and eat them on the spot!

And make extra huge Halloween cupcakes with kids who already didn't need another sugar high. 

And who wouldn't want to snap a picture of this cutie who put on a bathrobe to match her momma? 

There are no words for the instant love I felt for this chubby princess AlyCat

And who couldn't feel blessed seeing some of God's most creative creations- fall colors! 

Single gals get to meet up for brunch in random places like Park City, Utah. We took a "Rotic" walk, that's romantic without a man! 

And she bought me this as a belated birthday treat. My Zombie Gingerbread man was the total opposite of gross! 

And when you are single and on vacation, you can take a quick detour to see the Historic Temple square. I literally parked my car, walked around once, and walked back to my car in 15 minutes. 

And when you are single and the closest child to your parents, you get to be a kid and go to fall festival's in Marble Falls.

Another gift of being single is being able to afford to go to TEXAS football games. This view NEVER gets old! 

But sitting by these fine fans made the game. 

Another plus is getting to go to random things with friends like this cheese tasting. Stay tuned on a future blog. It was a ridiculous amount of money, but I'd do it all again. 

Finally, when single and fit, you can spontaneously go for a run on town lake for as long as you want to! (my mommy friends always tell me how much they miss working out at the gym for as long as they want to)

My life is not perfect, and I have moments of sadness, heartaches, and down right bad attitudes, but they are just that, moments. 

I choose to use this gift of singleness to do all I can to prepare to be the woman I want to be, and hopefully one amazing wife and mother some day.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love you lots! Tender mercies... You have so many that would be so honored to sit by you. I would have jumped there, if I had been able, to sit with you at the game!
I love this post. Thanks for shining so bright.
And it's true, time is a gift. While I'm grateful for the time I have to be doing what I am doing, getting to be at home by myself only happens about every other birthday!