Saturday, August 30, 2014

she most heartily enjoyed pursuing life

That about sums up my life right now. 

I posted this on face book this week:

"Over the past few weeks I have gotten a lot comments like- Is your life as awesome as it is on FB? and You just look happy with life.
Yep, nothing fake about what I put out to the universe, life is fantastic!"

Let me elaborate for a moment. 

I was asked a few months ago if I feel fulfilled. I was encouraged to work on the things I could control that would help me feel more fulfilled, and the things I can't control I should put to the side. 

So I bought some pretty flowering plants and potted them. Who needs to wait for a backyard someday.

I started enjoying my job more. 

I started researching buying a house. A house! I'm as the lender guy told me "stockpiling cash". Ha! No, I'm working hard on a future down payment, no piles of cash are actually under my mattress or anything. 

I've come to re-learn or re-recognize if you will, that life doesn't have to be perfect to be fully enjoyed and to feel happiness. There are plenty of hard days in my world, there are dreams I am still wondering if will ever come true. But here are just a few reasons why I can say my life is fantastic!

Spending Sunday afternoons singing in Portuguese with my dad. 

Delicious Chocolate Turtle Cake just for me made by my patient's wife on the last day of therapy.
Finding my personal motto on a stress ball at a patient's home.

Being a true Austinite and listening to live music at the park with good friends.

Being involved in a fender bender and having minimal damage done to my precious Focus.

Having this Tornado come visit Texas and eat my face!

Watching my super cool sister-in-law being a naturally awesome mom

Watching Adam drink all of my mom's diet soda

Do I really need words for this one?

What can I say, I just like this one!

Realizing just how adorable my own children will be, I mean look at the handsomeness of the Kelm men!

More family....

...more family (best family picture ever!)

...and more family. 

 Yep, she most heartily enjoyed pursuing life...


Jessica said...

Love, love, love this and I love, love, love you!

Tonia Talks said...

You are so awesome!