Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A day in the life of two khalas (aunts)


  The day started with Raza getting a huge plate full of chocolate chip pancakes at the Original Pancake House. He has a few goofy khala's, but we sure tried to maximize the day. 

After I saw a patient for my new cool job doing Home Health, I met up with Dia Khala, Raza, and Sofia at the Thinkery, a children's museum. The kids painted and played in waterfalls.

Then we headed to the park across the street.  I bought the kiddos (even this big kid) ice cream. 

Then we played on the swings, the slide, the jungle gym,

  Nadia is posing nicely, I look like I am screaming in terror.

Funny, I don't remember it being this hard as a kid.

Thankfully Nadia had pita bread in her car so we were able to feed the ducks and turtles. 

We were pretty worn out after that. 

After recharging with some dinner at BJ's, we headed to go show off our bowling skills. 

Watch out world, these ladies are ready.

Sofia was so excited when her ball hit some pins. 

We had to do our bowling dance/jump. 

 Thanks to Tashi for sharing her kiddos with us, we sure missed having you with us. And thanks to Nadia for sharing the title of Khala with me. It was one fabulous day!


Sara said...

That close up picture of you and Nadia (can't remember her name...) is really good. Your hair is so long!

Panjwani said...

Aww I miss you all to.. the kids had fun. Sofia doesn't wanna come back home. . Hahahaha..
Maybe mom need to he more like the khalas...