Sunday, January 5, 2014

Place Card

Tonight I reached into the pocket of a jacket that doesn't get worn much

I immediately felt an old reminder. A place card

from a wedding reception several years ago.

It doesn't have my name on it. 

I didn't have to pull it out to know what it was.

His name is on it. 

I'm long since "over" him, but the card remains safely tucked in the pocket.

It's silly of me. Does it mean I'm holding on to the past? 

No, because I smiled, and thought of what it was like to feel the way I felt at the time. 

I like to be reminded of it, because I know that one day I'll feel that way again, but even stronger. 

I don't know who it will be, or when. Sister Sheri Dew told me she has dibs on Captain Moroni if it doesn't happen to her in this life. I told her I'd take Moroni's brother. 

But I hope I don't have to wait that long. 

The place card gives me hope. 

I'm thankful for that surprise smile

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