Saturday, March 21, 2020

Green Thumb

 My house is almost 4 years old. I have LOVED being a homeowner. I recently got gutters on parts of the east side of my house (proud of me dad for using the term "east" side of my house?).  

I never would have guessed how much I like to do yard work. It is my green therapy. I like to think my Grandma Aline passed her green thumb to my father, and he passed it on to me. 

February 16, 2020 I took out this scary cactus. 
It was a beast, but I'm a bigger BEAST for conquering it! 

Then on February 22, 2020 I chopped down my Knock-Out Rose bushes. It's always painful to prune them down and doubt they will ever come back again. 

But here we are, March 21, 2020 and there are already new roses blooming! 

March 13, 2020 I planted my garden. The plants on the top left corner are potatoes that grew all on their own from food scraps I through in the dirt over the winter.  I planted zucchini and spaghetti squash, and upon the advise of my sister-in-law I planted stinky marigolds, radishes, and spearmint to fend off bugs. 

March 19 the spaghetti squash are already popping up!

And this dude landed near my fence some time in  February. 

Last Spring a Mourning Dove made a nest in a hanging plant, the plant died, and she laid 3 sets of 2 eggs, that all grew up and flew away. When she was finally gone for good, I cleaned the nest out of the dead plant, and the plant came back and thrived all fall and winter. 

A week ago I saw the plant was looking wilted, so I took it down... 

And discovered a new nest and 3 eggs!  It's not a Mourning Dove though, I keep trying to catch the momma bird but can't tell what kind she is when she flies away scared when I open the front door.  It's a small bird.

Then yesterday I checked on it and there are now 4 eggs. 

As I type this the world is in chaos from COVID-19, or Corona Virus. Yet nature is in full bloom and it is bring me some peace and comfort during this uncertain time. 

I love my green thumb! What a gift! 

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