Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Week of Firsts

This week has been week of many firsts. My first week of physical therapy school, seeing my first cadaver dissection, first time not crying during the first week of school,my first Chick-fil-a hand mixed shake purchased by my loving brother, my first time to win Peanuts, the first time falling off of the treadmill, and the first time since I was 4 that I am now the only child at home.

Some things are worth mentioning a bit more...

First week of school! I have never actually been excited to start school. I was so excited, I think I was actually a bit disappointed with the first day. You know, all the boring stuff like syllabus and grading procedures...I did see a video with a real cadaver dissection. Let me just say eeeuuu, yuck! A german with a black hat, round rimmed hat, and round glasses cut up a male body hung up by its head. (I swear he was the guy in Indian Jones searching for the lost arch who melts in the end.) First he skinned the body, and then he cut our the vertebral column to pull out the spinal cord from the neck, all the way down to the toe. Freaky! I think the thing I enjoyed the most was going over anatomical landmarks in my functional anatomy lab. See, I hated physiology because I couldn't see proton pumps and calcium flooding into muscles at the neuromuscular junction. (see what I mean- boring!) However with Anatomy you say- find your iliac crest on your pelvis- and that, I can feel and see on myself. There are enough areas of life where you have to go on faith. I like having a little part where seeing is believing. My semester is going to be a lot of work, but I think I'll have enough time to get good studying in and do just fine.

Trivial things...last week I reached a new height in my physical fitness. I ran for 4.5 miles, in 50 minutes. I did it twice last week. Today I did it again. It feels very good to know I have the endurance and will power to push myself. It hasn't been with out blood, sweat, and almost tears. Last week I got home from a run and dad asked why my shirt was bloody. Huh? Sure enough, my sports bra strap rubbed me raw and I bled clear through to my shirt without knowing. (I bet the people at blockbuster must have thought I was crazy.) Then today I stepped off the treadmill to see if the TV screen on another one was working. When I got back on I mis-stepped and got thrown to the ground. I wanted to cry, my arm hurt, scraped my side, and stubbed my toe...however, I got up, shook it off, and continued to run.

The boys left today. We are all praying the beloved red car makes the trip to Utah. Kind of strange to know it will be just my and the parents now. Not sure what that will mean, but it will be fun to see how dynamics of the home change or don't change.

Back to the world of studying. Bring on more firsts!

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